Friday, November 29, 2019

16 days of activism against Gender-Based-Violence

The elimination of violence against women and girls starts with me! 💪

This was the main message spread through the Public Campaign that we carried out, on 27 November, in Shianda market area and its surroundings.

Contributing to the activities organized at the sub-county, county and national level in Kenya within the 16 days of activisim, we considered appropiate to raise awareness in a market day since it brings a lot of people to the area.

The campaign started in the outside area of WEFOCO office📣 Why did organized such an activity? We opened with a brief explanation of the occasion and the day’s program. 

With Salvation Army Band playing we marched until the Deputy County Commission Offices to officially open the day, we picked up the official guests (DCC representative and OCS) and we continued with the procession to the market area.

During the march we used a mobile speaker to explain the reasons of the campaign and send key messages to the population. 

Once in the market we had two drama plays in two different locations, to attract the crowd and raise awareness about VAW. 

Drama is a great tool to communicate messages to people of all ages and backgrounds. They run to see the plays and follow us after to see more!
After, we marched to the ending point were the last drama play took place.

For closing, the different organizations who participated sent clear and concise messages and we had speeches from the officials invited, the Deputy County Commission Representative, County Security Representative and Gender Office Representative. They emphasized in the devastating consequences that violence has in the victims, families, communities and even in the country development and sent a call to each individual and his/her responsability to eliminate violence.

Thanks everyone who made possible this day! 💜💛

“Many small people in small places doing small things can change the world”. Eduardo Galeano.

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