Thursday, June 13, 2024

Glimmers of Shianda

Emma and I were discussing the term ‘glimmers’ at the beginning of our deployment. Glimmers are described as small, spontaneus, moments where you feel calm, peaceful, present, joyful, or all of the above. During the time we were having this conversation, everything was still new for us. We still took notice when somebody was carrying half of a tree on their head, or a family of four generations fitting on one boda boda with two chickens, a goat, a cow, and some furniture. I decided to start documenting these beautiful every day moments.

Glimmers in Shianda:

  • Riding a bodaboda in the pouring rain after dawn, only getting visibility when a lightning bolt hits the sky.  

  • Working from home accompanied by 3 cows and 2 goats cutting the grass. 

  • Playing football with kids at the neighboring school. 

  • Having a movie night at our home cinema when a neighbor comes over & surprises us with food.

  • Reading on our terrace.

  • Eating what taste like the best fruit you have ever had!

  • Maintaining our litlle kitchen garden.

  • Walking on one small, side street in the middle of what feels like nowhere and bumping into someone you know.

  • Go to your safe spot to think & breathe but accidentally catch a beautiful sunset & a naked man washing himself in the river & start laughing instead.

  • Sitting in a full matatu trying to embrace the little breeze coming in from the half-open window while being squeezed between curious locals. 

  • Waking upp to the sunlight hitting your face.

  • Getting electricity back after an 11 days powercut. 

  • Jogging home from the gym in the morning accompanied by a school class.

  • Watching people dance at the bar while the sky is falling outside. 

  • Going on safari in Nairobi National Park.

  • Waking up for suhoor and finding Mohammad cooking pasta on the floor of his room. 

  • Finishing & celebrating Ramadan with friends & an abundance of food cooked by everyone.

  • Having plants growing taller than you in the garden.

  • Children getting excited & cheering when seeing us mzungus pass by the street.

  • Learning afrobeat dances with friends.

  • Buying fruit from our regular fruit lady at the market. 

  • Walking up and being served breakfast by your amazing housemate. 

  • Getting stronger at the gym without knowing how much you are lifting since weights are not marked.

  • Admiring how a mother with a child in her lap can sleep peacefully on the bus, while you, alone in your seat, struggle to find a comfortable position.

  • Emma & Mattia enjoying breakfast at a hostel.

  • Replanting an avocado seedling that was randomly found growing in our compost. 

  • Finding humongous veggies & fruits (it is not a small pineapple but an avocado on steroids).

  • Overhearing a conversation in Kiswahili & understanding the context and a few words. 

    Emma, Valery, & me having Ndere island for ourselves, only surrounded by dragonflies & peaceful nature.

  • Leaving the house to a beautiful sunset.

  • Traveling to the coast was too good & beautiful to be true.

  • Sitting in a mud house with chickens, kittens, and kids running around your feet.

  • Learning how to cook ugali & leafy greens over an open fire.

  • Saying farewell to your wonderful fellow volunteers.

Documenting these moments made me realize that there are so many beautiful things happening right before our eyes every day, without us paying too much attention to it. By appreciating the small things in life, the rest gets easier. Don’t miss the forest for the trees. 

My time in Kenya has come to an end and though it is sad to leave the wonderful people and nature, I am also looking forward to what is to come. I leave this experience with happy memories, a wiser mind and a desire to discover more of our beautiful world!

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